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  • Writer's pictureCharlotte

The Start of CLB Creative!

Updated: Mar 26, 2019

Big times ahead!

There's nothing that appeals to me more than sharing my creative vision with the world. I have always known that I wanted to do something creative with my life, but could never choose which direction to go. So, I decided to choose all of them! I love to switch things up and keep things fresh, nothing sounds more boring to me than doing the same job over and over again for the rest of my life. I decided to take the plunge and start CLB Creative to cover all of my passions into one place!

Steps forward...

It's hard to make a name for yourself in such a competitive market, but if you're not only good at what you do, but passionate, you will succeed. I am very excited to share this journey with you all and I will be posting advice articles, BTS blogs and more so you can get a real idea of what it's like to be a startup Media professional and learn more about myself and my projects generally! I have some exciting projects coming up, so watch this space!

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